Atemtherapie 800

Respiratory therapy

What is Breathwork?

The intensive breathing therapy offered here is so-called connected breathing, similar to holotropic breathing according to S. Grof.

Through deep inhalation and exhalation, without pause, your body is flooded with oxygen. Bio-chemical and energetic processes are thereby set in motion, which can be used to expand your consciousness.

The way is cleared for insights from your soul life that have not been perceived until now.

Subconscious memories, feelings and repressed issues can rise up in you and be looked at and processed in this therapeutic setting.

It is almost as if for a certain period of time you have more strength to work through mental blocks. So you can finally jump over a hurdle that previously seemed too high, that you were afraid of or that you didn't even know was there!


How does a treatment work?

First we get to know each other in a conversation. We see whether we want to work together at all! This is extremely important for this intensive work.

Without your genuine willingness and openness to work on yourself, we will not go any further! Only when there is a clear "YES" from both sides will the actual treatment begin.

I will explain everything to you again in detail before the session:

Lying on the floor, I guide you to intensify your breath. This means that breathing in and out happens without interruption. I sit next to you and support you in holding the space.

In some circumstances there may be bodily experiences that are uncomfortable, which I will guide you through.

The session is usually accompanied by music that introduces the different phases of a session.

After the phase of intensive breathing and flooding the system with energy, the phase of integration follows. The breath slows down again and your system comes to rest. In this deep relaxation phase, an incredible inner peace usually sets in.

In a final discussion there is enough time to share what you have experienced and to integrate it into your everyday life.


What are the duration and costs of treatment?

Duration: The 1st session with a detailed preliminary discussion lasts at least 90 minutes.

You will be able to feel the positive effects of this intensive work after just one treatment.


90 min = 135 €

120 min = 180 €

150 min = 225 €

180 min = 270 €

Please note, should something come up, please cancel your appointment in good time, up to 24 hours in advance. If you cancel at short notice or do not show up, the fee will still be charged. Thank you for your understanding!

Discount for students or low income on request.


This is what participants say about my work.