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"Live is a present."

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Engery & Bodywork

You want to release deep-seated blockages and free yourself from old mental ballast?

Then these body-oriented and ethereal treatments are just right for you!


Spiritual Therapy

Unleash your chains on the path to self-knowledge and experience yourself in the depth of your being.

"Where you are looking from is what you are looking for." (Rumi)

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Intuitive Massages

Find relaxation and balance to your stressful everyday life with a holistic massage.

Experience the peace that arises within you through mindful and grounding touch.

Hello, I'm Jan ...

... with the realisation that lasting happiness and peace only arises from within, I inspire people on their path to deeper self-knowledge.

The aim of my treatments is to ground you, calm your system and anchor you in the present moment, beyond ideas and thoughts.

Experience a holistic approach that works on a physical, emotional and energetic spiritual level. The silence that unfolds in you during and after a treatment opens up the space for profound insights.

As a trained massage and body therapist, naturopath for psychotherapy and a certified yoga teacher, I work in Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg.

I also provide advice by telephone and online.

This is what participants say about my work: