For a long time I was haunted by very painful and traumatic experiences from my childhood. Especially at those moments when I had the least need. I was controlled by someone else and I knew something was wrong. The opinion of others carried more weight than my own perception and completely unconsciously I was constantly on the run from myself. Dealing with other people was difficult for me and I was often very afraid of doing something wrong. I was foggy and mostly pretty exhausted. I felt defenseless against the challenges of life.
Inside I felt the deep urge to heal. I wanted to finally get rid of these tormenting memories, throw off my mental ballast and live my life more carefree again. So I decided to seek support. Through some wrong turns I met people who had had similar experiences and were able to transform them. Through her therapeutic healing work I learned to finally let go in depth and accept the present moment uncompromisingly and relentlessly.
I have come to realize that the key to healing lies hidden within each of us. It’s always about your own experience – everything else is mental concepts. I also realized that we are far more than the human mind and our physical body and that what we call soul can be experienced immediately and at any time for each of us. Suddenly an indescribable inner peace set in, beyond any concept of peace. I recognized myself in myself. This incredible discovery opened the way for me to free myself from my mental bonds layer by layer!

„Erkenne wer du bist und du bist frei.“

Fascinated by this extraordinarily transforming “inward look”, it became increasingly clear to me that I would like to share this experience with other people. I was trained in healing methods that were so effective for me, such as energetic healing work.

This work is so effective and incredibly transforming because it goes unnoticed and directly reconnects us with our deeper truth within ourselves.

I am also happy to support you in finding your inner peace again. Find out more about my work here.

Zu den Behandlungen…


Energetisches Heilen (Healing Touch), De-armouring (Körperentpanzerung), Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie, Klangmassage 1 nach Peter Hess, Yogalehrer, aktuell Bioemozionale Medizin (Kinesiologie, Aufstellungsarbeit) …


Encounter and trauma work, breathing therapy (holotropic breathing), meditation (NLP), constellation work, brainspotting, Gestalt therapy, talk therapy, hypnotherapy, Grinberg method, body and energy work, yoga, reiki, inner child work, ...